CO2 Capture Piloting

Sub-Project 1: CO2 capture Piloting is led by Saipem, the owner of the “CO2 solutions by Saipem” capture technology.

Safe and cost-effective CO2 capture

This sub-project will implement and test at TRL7 a cost-efficient, safe and non-toxic CO2 capture technology by combining the Prospin RPB technology with the Saipem solvent. This will be tested in one SE pulp and paper mill (Skutskär, Sweden) and a HC cement kiln (Gorazdze, Poland).

Saipem & Prospin

ACCSESS will make a leap in developing integrated technological solutions SPM+PSP (CO2 solutions by SAIPEM solvent with RPB absorber) by addressing the technology triangle of material (solvent from Saipem), transport phenomena (RPB from Prospin) and process (Saipem, Prospin and integration work in sub-project 2).

The improvement potential is two-fold:


The enzymatic Saipem solvent (using the same enzyme as in our lungs) is regenerated at 70-80oC, meaning that no steam is required, but regeneration can be done with low temperature industrial waste heat or hot water. Compared to amines, this substantially increases the amount of waste heat that can be utilized in CO2 capture, thus reducing the capture OPEX.


The Prospin RPB absorber technology is an example of process intensification to significantly reduce the size of the absorber, and thereby the CAPEX of the capture. An inherent feature of the enzymatic Saipem solvent is its extremely rapid absorption and desorption of CO2, which makes it very suitable for combination with the Prospin RPB technology, meaning that the CAPEX reduction can be maximized.

SP1 Work Packages

Sub-project 1: CO2 capture Piloting is led by Saipem and contains the following work packages:

Work Package 2

Development of RPB absorber (Prospin)

Work Package 3

Pilot test campaigns (Saipem)

Work Package 4

Elaboration of data from test campaigns (Saipem)

It is not expected that contaminants typically present in flue gases will affect produced CO2 purity, since the enzyme-accelerated chemical capture with potassium carbonate is highly selective towards CO2. In particular presence of trace contaminants such as SOx and NOx will not affect neither the quality of the produced CO2 nor the performances of the capture unit. Almost all the SOx in flue gases will react with the potassium carbonate contained in the solvent and it is transformed in stable salts; a portion of the circulating solvent is continuously purged, in a small bleed stream, avoiding accumulation of the stable salts in the solution.


Therefore, an increasing concentration of SOx will correspond only to an increase in potassium carbonate consumption. In industrial applications, the bleed stream is filtered in order to recover and recycle the enzyme contained in the bleed stream back to the circulating solvent. NOx have similar effects, but with high NOx concentration it is expected also to have an impact on the life of the enzyme (this will be one of the objects of investigation during the pilot test campaigns). Presence of H2S could affect the performances of the enzymatic solvent if concentration is above 50 ppmv (which is a concentration well above maximum for emissions into the atmosphere therefore it is not expected to face such high concentrations). Other potential contaminants are expected to be partially absorbed in the direct contact water cooling column installed before the absorber.