ACCSESS at the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference
ACCSESS will be participating in GHGT-16, with a total of eight presentations and posters from the project.
ACCSESS as a European collaboration: project participates in two EU events on the same day
On 22 September, the ACCSESS project was involved in two EU events by hosting a Sustainable Energy Day Event in Oslo and participating in a H2020 Project workshop in Brussels.
Spotlight on ACCSESS at Arendalsuka
ACCSESS was at the forefront of Arendalsuka on Tuesday during a panel discussion focused on CCS as a solution to urban climate problems, hosted by ACCSESS partner Hafslund Oslo Celsio. Arendalsuka (lit. “Arendal’s week”) is a Norwegian political festival that takes place in August every year in Arendal, Norway. The project was introduced by Mona […]
ACCSESS project pilot launched in Norway with Saipem’s CO2 Solutions technology
The Hafslund Oslo Celsio mobile CO2 capture plant in Klemetsrud has been started up with CO2 Solutions technology provided by Saipem. This plant is the pilot of the ACCSESS project, a four-year Horizon 2020 project that aims to demonstrate technologies and produce tools and plans that aim to consolidate carbon dioxide capture and utilization or […]
ACCSESS presented to German Green Party
On 3 August 2022, Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) Director Mona Mølnvik held a presentation for Ricarda Lang, one of the two leaders of Bündis 90/Die Grünen (the German Green Party), at the German Embassy in Oslo, Norway. As part of her presentation, she described how ACCSESS will investigate alternative means of transporting CO2 than through pipelines […]
ACCSESS presented at RPB Colloquium 2022
On 30 June and 1 July, ACCSESS partner PROSPIN participated in the second interdisciplinary colloquium on rotating packed beds (RPBs) at Technical University (TU) Dortmund in Germany. The colloquium was organised by Dr. Jörg Koop and Prof. Andrzej Górak, who is also the founder of PROSPIN. The event was a networking and knowledge-sharing opportunity for […]
ACCSESS Open Oslo Event a registered Sustainable Energy Day
We’re thrilled to announce that the ACCSESS Open Oslo Event is now a registered Sustainable Energy Day. Sustainable Energy Days are events taking place anywhere around the world and promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency, in connection with the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). They are held between June and September 2022, exploring a variety […]
ACCSESS Open Oslo Event – CCS as a key to unlocking urban carbon neutrality
An open event on the challenges and opportunities associated with curbing industrial CO2 emissions, and how they relate to climate adaptation and mitigation plans.
ACCSESS presented at kick-off event for new carbon dioxide removal project
On 22 June 2022, Kristin Jordal presented ACCSESS at the kick-off event for the project “The Norwegian Continental Shelf: A Driver for Climate-Positive Norway” (NCS C+).
Save the date: first ACCSESS open event in Oslo
ACCSESS’ first open event will be held in Oslo and online on 22 September 2022!