
The research and innovation activities in ACCSESS are organised into various work packages, ten of which are collected into three sub-projects (SPs). All sub-projects feed into the societal integration activity.

SP1 is led by SAIPEM

SP1: CO2 Capture piloting

This sub-project is developing a cost-efficient, safe and non-toxic CO2 capture technology that combines a solvent from Saipem and and a rotating packed bed (RPB) absorber from Prospin and Proceler. This technology is to be demonstrated in operational environments (TRL7) at Stora Enso’s pulp and paper mill in Skutskär, Sweden, and HeidelbergMaterial’s cement kiln in Górażdże, Poland. 

This work is the focus of ACCSESS’ “Piloting improved CO2 capture technology” innovation.

Work Package 2

Development of RPB absorber (Prospin)

Work Package 3

Pilot test campaigns (Saipem)

Work Package 4

Elaboration of data from test campaigns (Saipem)

SP2 is led by SINTEF

SP2: CO2 Capture Integration and Use

This sub-project is investigating the optimal approach to integrating the capture technology developed in SP1 in four industrial sectors: cement, pulp and paper, waste-to-energy and biorefineries. The focus of this work is on optimising cost minimisation with design complexity, with evaluation criteria including the cost of avoided CO2, cost of end product, energy consumption and the amount of biogenic CO2 avoided.

Work Package 5: Pulp and Paper Capture
  • Capture integration in virgin feedstock chemical pulp mills and market pulp/recycled fibre paper mills, using reference amine and Saipem solvent technology.
  • Quantifying tail-end capture costs, and cost reductions obtainable with process integration (goal: 15-20% cut).
  • Estimating potential and cost for CDR from pulp and paper mills in Europe.
Work Package 6: Cement Capture and Use
  • Capture integration of Saipem solvent technology in the HC Gorazdze kiln (which is also a Saipem & Prospin pilot test site).
  • Use of Linde amine based post-combustion capture technology in the HC Hannover kiln, with first a tail-end capture study, and a radically new, highly integrated study. This work is the focus of ACCSESS’ third innovation. 
  • Development from TRL5 to TRL7 of the NEU CO2 utilization process for carbonation of demolition fines.
Work Package 7: Waste to Energy (WtE) Capture
  • Integration of post-combustion capture with the WtE air pollutant control system to explore synergies.
  • Optimal integration of a reference amine and Saipem solvent technology in WtE plants, in particular evaluating the impact on different regeneration temperatures and interconnection with district heating system.
  • Identification of the role and value of WtE plants with CO2 capture in a city energy system (feeding into WP12).
Work Package 8: Biorefinery Capture and Clusters
  • A systematic approach for identifying optimal capture configurations and clustering in a biorefinery.
  • Development of a tool for optimal design in industrial clusters, drawing on the fact that a refinery in itself is a mini cluster where emission sources have different CO2 concentrations and flowrates.
  • Quantification of the potential for the Saipem & Prospin technology in a refinery, where there is a severe space constraint

SP3 is led by ETH Zürich

SP3: CCUS Chains and Clusters

This sub-project sets the foundation for the analytical work in ACCSESS by defining a consistent, transparent framework for how to analyse CO2 capture integration and CCUS chains. 

This framework is to be applied in SP2 and work package 10, and aligns with the tracking of cost, efficiency, CDR, HSE and legal/regulatory issues that are implemented throughout ACCSESS. 

Work Package 9: Pioneering CCUS chains
  • Development, design, and techno-economic evaluation of four Pioneering CCUS chains, that are based on technology solutions for CO2 capture and transport available in the near term.
  • Assessment of regulatory frameworks and gaps, and environmental performance of the Pioneering CCUS chains.
  • Delivery of blueprint designs for the CCUS pioneering chains linking inland Europe and Baltic coastal areas with the North Sea CO2 transport and storage infrastructures.
Work Package 10: Innovative CCUS chains and clusters
  • Development, design and techno-economic evaluation and optimization of CCUS chains incorporating innovative capture and transport technologies such as optimized capture integration, integration with the SPM+PSP technology and low-pressure ship transport.
  • Development of optimized CO2 transport networks for minimal-cost and minimal-environmental impact CCUS chains, to serve sectorial and intersectoral clusters of CO2 sources.
  • Development of an open-source CO2 network optimization model that considers how CCUS networks can evolve over space and time.
  • Assessment of prospective WtE, cement, pulp and paper and biorefinery CCUS chains in Europe ready for fostering realization of industrial projects in these sectors from 2030 and onwards.
Work Package 11: Enabling technologies for CCUS
  • Identification of feasible, safe, and cost-efficient CO2 transport solutions, both for inland transport chains (e.g. rail, truck, river barge, etc.) and for large-scale ship transport with the potential to reduce costs by 50% compared to current technologies.
  • Provision of updated water specifications (impurities) for low-pressure (7 bar) regimes.
  • Understanding the kinetics of dry-ice formation and melting when handling CO2 along the transport chain.
  • Definition of safe loading and offloading procedures along a CO2 transport chain.

WP12 is led by Chalmers

WP12: Societal Integration of CCUS

This work package addresses the non-technical aspects of CCUS, ranging from calculating the cost increase for products and housing when CCUS is implemented, to engaging environmental authorities in Germany and Sweden to create guidelines on how to regulate CO2 capture installations.

This work package draws from the work conducted in the three main sub-projects.