Mona Mølnvik presents to Bündis 90/Die Grünen at the German Embassy in Oslo, Norway.

ACCSESS presented to German Green Party

On 3 August 2022, Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) Director Mona Mølnvik held a presentation for Ricarda Lang, one of the two leaders of Bündis 90/Die Grünen (the German Green Party), at the German Embassy in Oslo, Norway.

As part of her presentation, she described how ACCSESS will investigate alternative means of transporting CO2 than through pipelines (Innovation 2).

The delegation was also given a tour of Hafslund Oslo Celsio’s waste-to-energy plant at Klemetsrud – including the mobile CO2 capture plant that is being used in the ACCSESS project. A post on Celsio’s LinkedIn reported that:

“How CCS is the next step for responsible disposal of the fraction [of waste] that cannot be recycled, and how district heating relieves the power grid were important elements in an interesting discussion.”

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